Prof. Sergei Gorlatch
University of Muenster
Title of Speech :Improving the Quality of Service in IOT by Software-Defined Networking
Prof. Sergei Gorlatch is Full Professor of Computer Science at the University of Muenster (Germany) since 2003. Earlier he was Associate Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, Assistant Professor at the University of Passau, and Humboldt Research Fellow at the Technical University of Munich, all in Germany. Prof. Gorlatch has more than 200 peer-reviewed publications in renowned international books, journals and conferences. He was principal investigator in several international research and development projects in the field of software for parallel, distributed, Grid and Cloud systems, machine learning, and networking, funded by the European Community and by German national bodies.
Prof. Sam Kwong
Lingnan University
Title of Speech :Deep Learning-Based Video Coding and its Applications
Prof. Sam Kwong received his B.Sc. degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo, M.A.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo in Canada, and Ph.D. from Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany. Before joining Lingnan University, he was the Chair Professor at the City University of Hong Kong and a Diagnostic Engineer with Control Data Canada. He was responsible for designing diagnostic software to detect the manufacturing faults of the VLSI chips in the Cyber 430 machine. He later joined Bell-Northern Research as a Member of the Scientific Staff working on the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) project.
Kwong is currently Chair Professor at the Lingnan University of the Department of Computing and Decision Science. He previously served as Department Head and Professor from 2012 to 2018 at the City University of Hong Kong. Prof Kwong joined CityU as a Department of Electronic Engineering lecturer in 1989. Prof. Kwong is the associate editor of leading IEEE transaction journals, including IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. He was the President of IEEE Systems, Man And Cybernetics Society from 2022-23.
Assoc. Prof. Pavel Loskot
ZJU-UIUC institute
Title of Speech :Algorithmic Causal Inference
Prof. Pavel Loskot joined the ZJU-UIUC Institute in January 2021 as an Associate Professor after being 14 years with Swansea University in the UK. He received his PhD degree in Wireless Communications from the University of Alberta in Canada, and the MSc and BSc degrees in Radioelectronics and Biomedical Electronics, respectively, from the Czech Technical University of Prague in the Czech Republic. In the past 25 years, he was involved in numerous collaborative research and development projects, and also held a number of paid consultancy contracts with industry. He is the Senior Member of the IEEE, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK, and the Recognized Research Supervisor of the UK Council for Graduate Education. His current research interests focus on mathematical and probabilistic modeling, statistical signal processing and classical machine learning for multi-sensor data.
Assoc. Prof. Ata Jahangir Moshayedi
Jiangxi University of Scince and Technology
Title of Speech :Visionary Integration: Enhancing AGVs with Vision Systems and Machine Perception
Dr. Ata Jahangir Moshayedi an Associate Professor at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology in China, holds a PhD in Electronic Science from Savitribai Phule Pune University in India. He is a distinguished member of IEEE(Senior Member) and ACM, as well as a Life Member of the Instrument Society of India and a Lifetime Member of the Speed Society of India. Additionally, he contributes to the academic community as a valued member of various editorial teams for international conferences and journals.
Dr. Moshayedi's academic achievements are, marked by a portfolio of over 90 papers published,2 patent and 12 copyright , across esteemed national and international journals and conferences along with 3 books on robotics (VR and mobile olfaction) and embedded systems.
In addition to his scholarly publications, he has authored three books and is credited with two patents and nine copyrights, emblematic of his pioneering contributions to the field. His research interest includes Robotics and Automation/ Sensor modeling/Bio-inspired robot, Mobile Robot Olfaction/Plume Tracking, Embedded Systems / Machine vision-based Systems/Virtual reality, and Machine vision/Artificial Intelligence. Currently, Dr. Moshayedi is actively engaged in pioneering work at Jiangxi University, where he is developing a model for Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and advancing the realm of Food Delivery Service Robots.
Prof. Olivier BONNAUD
Univ. Rennes & GIP-CNFM
Title of Speech :Microleelctronics at the heart of the digital world: technical, technological and human context and challenges
Dr.Olivier Bonnaud born in 1950 in France, is a student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris-Saclay and holds a PhD in microelectronics. In 1984, he became a full professor at the University of Rennes 1 and at Supelec, where he created a microelectronics research laboratory that he directed until 2010, as well as several international masters and PhD programs. He supervised 43 PhDs, worked in cooperation with companies, more especially on thin film technologies. He has published or presented more than 500 articles and 7 books. Founder in 1985 of a regional inter-university joint center for microelectronics (CCMO), he directed it until 2010, when he was appointed by the Frenchr Higher Education to Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (GIP-CNFM), a network of 12 French interuniversity training centers that host about 20,000 students per year for practical training on technology platforms. President of several scientific national and international associations, evaluator and expert for several research and higher education agencies, member of more than 140 scientific committes of international conferences, he is professor emeritus since 2013 and permanent Guest professor at the South-East University (Nanjing, China). As part of its many international cooperations, it was selected for the "1000 global talents" program by the Chinese government in 2014. Since 2019, he has been heavily involved in the French Strategic committee of the Electronic Industry. He received the Chinese Gouvernement Friendship Award in 2023 from Prime Minister on February 2024.
Dr. Megha Bhushan
University of Seville
Title of Speech :Improving the quality of software products using Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Megha Bhushan is with Department of Computer Languages and Systems, University of Seville, Spain. Earlier she was Assistant Dean, Research & Consultancy at DIT University, Dehradun, India. She received her B. Tech degree in Information Technology from Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India, and ME (Software Engineering) and PhD (Computer Science) degrees from Thapar University, Punjab, India. She was awarded with a fellowship by UGC, Government of India, in 2014. In 2017, she was a recipient of Grace Hopper Celebration India (GHCI) fellowship. She has published 6 national patents, granted 2 national and 1 international patent(s) has been granted. Currently, she is associated with two research projects funded by Ministry of Science and Innovation, and Andalusian Government, Spain. She has published many research articles in international journals and conferences of repute. Further, she is the editor of many edited books with different publishers such as Wiley-Scrivener, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, and Bentham Science. Her research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Knowledge representation, Expert systems, Software quality and Healthcare. She is also reviewer and editorial board member of many international journals.
Prof. Dr. Muazzam Ali Khan Khattak
Quaid-i-Azam University
Title of Speech :Role of AI in Education
Prof Dr. Muazzam Ali Khan Khattak (listed among top 2% scientists of the world) working as Director Science and Technologyat Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. I am also serving as adjunct faculty at University of Missouri, KC, USA. So far I have published more than 200+ publications with a total impact factor of 400+, citations 4800+ and H-index 40. Beside that I have supervised more than 80 graduate and undergrad students, won national and international grants, established new research labs and campus of NUST with new programs. I have been awarded with best performance award in 2023 for my contribution by establishing ICESCO Chair Data Analytics and Edge Computing at Quaid I Azam University, preparation of PC-1 of Rs 03 Billion for establishment of Science and Technology Park, QAU, establishment of Huawei Training academy at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, started new programs BS Artificial Intelligence. I have vast experience in academic and industrial collaboration both at national and international level. We have signed many MoU with world well known Universities such as University of Missouri, USA, University of Ulm, Germany, Kansas State University, USA, KAIST, Korea Advanced Institute, Northwest Polytechnic University China, Southbank University, London, UK, University of Glasgow, UK and Kazakh British Technical University, Kazakhstan. Due to these MOUs more than 65 students are now studying in the USA, South Korea and UK.
A2:Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email.
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
Collaborative Systems Laboratory (CoSys Lab), Nipissing University
University of Muenster, Germany
Cardiff University
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
National Institute of Technology Raipur, Chhattisgarh INDIAd
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal
Cybersecurity & Services (SCS) at the University of Twente